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How to organize a wedding

A wedding isn't done in one day -
[Okinawa Photo Wedding.com] will help you
make the days of creating your wedding an irreplaceable time .

1. first interview

We will give you a detailed explanation of our services.
If you are interested in planning your wedding with
Okinawa Photo Wedding.com,
please contact us for counseling.

2. counseling

Ask lots, lots of questions.
It's an important time for both of you
to discover things
you didn't realize or heard about your feelings .

3. concept making

By creating a concept
that can only be expressed and conveyed at your wedding,
your image will become richer and your message will become clearer.

4. venue decided

We will find a stage that will make your dreams come true.
We choose a venue that matches what you want to do, rather than just a set venue.

5. custom design

Invitations are the first gift to be delivered to guests.
We create carefully crafted invitations that will excite the recipients.
We design everything from paper items to space decorations to suit your concept.

6. item selection

Dresses, bouquets, food, gifts, BGM...
It's fun to choose from a variety of presentations,
but it can also add to your worries.

The concept becomes your compass and
allows you to express a unified view of the world.

7. wedding party

As you can imagine...it's natural.
A space and experience beyond your imagination
awaits you and your guests.

Enjoy a day that may change the future of the people
you interacted with, even just a little,
as it will remain in your heart
for years or even decades.
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For inquiries by phone: 098-982-7047